Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NaTuRaL DiVaS: Trena

Name: Trena Smith
Where are you located (City, State) Grand Prairie, TX

How long have you been natural? 5 years

How long did you transition before big chopping? 4 months

Why did you decide to go natural? I got tired of sitting in the beauty shop for 4-5 hours (with a hair appointment) and I wanted fuller, longer, healthier hair.

How did friends and family react to your decision?
I did not have much support when I decided to loc. A lot of people asked why I was locing because I had such “good hair”.

What is your regimen right now?
I go to a loctician once a month for all maintenance for my hair. I sleep with a satin bonnet cap on every night. I found with my hair that less is more when you are doing all the right things your hair needs. I was once a product junkie but quickly came to the realization that once you find something that works well for your hair there is really no need to keep trying other things.

What would you say to the girl/woman who may be thinking of going natural?
Do it!! NOW!! It is such a liberating experience. I encourage all to discover their natural you! You will be surprised just what your hair is really capable of.

Last style before transition:

Straightened natural hair before locs:

Flexirod set

So, for Easter I decided to do something different! I went and bought some flexirods; washed, dc'd, and detangled my hair and rolled it like so:

I sat under the dryer on medium heat for about an hour and left them in overnight. In the morning I took them out for church and got this:

Now a couple days later I separated the curls for a super curly fro

MAN!!!! I love my hair's versatility! This will be washed out tomorrow when I get highlights!

Also stay tuned next week for the recap of my adventures at The World Natural Hair Show!!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Though I don't post much and I try to find time in my busy schedule to add quality posts... fail, NaturalBlackOne awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award and I was truly elated. So, thank you girl!!! She always posts great info and product reviews you can use!!

So these are the rules:

To accept the award, you must follow these rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

7 things:

1. I will be 30 in 3 weeks
2. I have 2 sons ages 8 and almost 2
3. I will be one year fully natural at the end of this month. Whoop!!
4. I was born and raised in the great state of TEXAS
5. I love music, art, and reading
6. I am a middle school teacher, so my days are NEVER boring
7. I never really have time to work on my blog, but I will get better

The blogs that I want to pass this award on to are:

All Naptural

Ambrosia M. Blog

Black Girl Long Hair

Coily World

Miss Moon's Musings

AKA Kristen

Nappy Hair University

The Golden Sparkle

Sofull Sista

Watch Me Dress

All of these are definitely quality blogs...check them out!

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