Thursday, January 6, 2011


So I decided to fix dinner out of stuff I already had at home. I baked tilapia fillets, cooked whole wheat spaghetti and made homemade alfredo and garlic toast. It turned out good! Here is a pic

Keep in mind, I'm no chef...but my biggest critics (my boys) liked it, so that's all I need!

Have a great night!


One style for a whole week!!

So I have been wearing this Mohawk style since last Thursday! I'm glad to see it's holding up well!
Here's what I did:
I washed and detangled my hair and used a small amount of Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in and let it air dry. Then, I let my cousin braid the sides because I cannot braid my own hair. When I got home, I twisted the hair in the middle using Uncle Funky's Daughter Extra Butter and sealed the ends with Shea butter. I wore it twisted until yesterday! All I did everyday was spray with aloe Vera gel/water mix and seal with coconut oil.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Twist out mohawk

So today I took out my week old twists and did a Mohawk. I got a lot of definition thanks to the Uncle Funky's Daughter Extra Butter....take a looksie

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution

I know that every year people make resolutions and before January is over, so is the resolution!
Well, this year I resolve to be healthier, get in shape, and accustom my sons to eating healthy as well.
In May I will be 30, and I want to be a leaner, healthier me!
Wish me luck

I'm Here World!!

This is my first post on my new blog! I am so super excited! I have followed other blogs and I want to try my hand at it! This blog is not only featuring natural hair, but healthy eating, fashion (my own style of course), my weight loss diary, makeup, and any other topic I wish to feature.

I would also like to feature other naturals, as well as business owners!

So, here it begins. Feel free to subscribe to my blog. I hope that you will not be disappointed!

Peace and Blessings
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